Well, graduation is just a few days away and I've been working on a project that will make the "scrapbooks" more accessible to people that come for open house. This is what I've come up with (and my son really likes it!).
I've been scanning old photos and some scrapbook pages and putting together a digital scrapbook. This will be put onto the television in the church basement where we are doing our celebration so everyone can see it.
Then, with the pictures that have been found, I'm taking some of them and cropping them down and putting 2 pictures on each side of a skewer stick and putting them into containers to set out on the tables. I have 12 containers and figure about 5 sticks can go in each one. So, I figure that's a fairly good number of pictures for people to see.
The containers were found at Target in their $1 bin. The ribbon is a wired ribbon and was purchased back at Christmas time. It's attached with Glue Dots continuous line at the top edge of the basket. The wire in the ribbon helps it to naturally mold around the edges. I then covered the floral foam inside with the ribbon and attached it with pins. I made loops with the ribbon to "fill the basket" as well.
The pictures are attached to skewer sticks using Glue Dots attached to the sticks and dimensionals between the pictures for stability. I'll take these photos after graduation and put them into real scrapbooks so they won't get wasted. I promise!
Let me know what you think of them.
Gotta go. Lots to do before Sunday. Have a great week!
Karen - wonderful idea to have the photos projected on a screen. That way more can see and enjoy them. Love the containers for the table as well. My son graduates next spring so will keep these ideas in mind for then.
START EARLY! I've left this for the last minute and am regretting it. It takes time.
Great ideas Karen. You all will love the slide show / DVD show.
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